super busy life

I haven’t posted in the longest amount of time so I thought that I would take the time out and make a little connection with the world. With me starting a new bit of work and the day to day grind of life I feel like I just haven’t had time for things I kinda enjoy. Writing on here and sharing some of the random that I come across is one and going out and getting a little mess is another.

I have decided that I will try and post 1 thing on here a week if possible even if its at 3am when i’ve woken up and can’t sleep. I am planning to just spew it out and see where it goes, I have been reading lots and I mean lots of books on my travels so there may be the odd book review of a book that I have really enjoyed reading, it may be a rant about someone that has just truly upset my world (or just slightly rocked the boat) but i’m sure a better effort can be made that has currently been on offer.

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